Joint statement Issued by WDCU and Cricket Scotland

Following a decision of a Panel established by Cricket Scotland (“CS”) under the appeals procedures of the Western District Cricket Union (“WDCU”), CS and the WDCU jointly announce that GHK CC will play in WDCU First Division in 2017. This follows legal opinion on the Panel’s decision sought by, and addressed to, CS from independent legal advisers provided by sportscotland.

CS does, of course, support the Panel’s decision and its implementation, as it would any decision by a panel appointed by CS; it notes, however, the disappointment expressed by both the WDCU Executive and Cricket Management Committees (“CMC”) at the decision, and also notes the motion that is before a Special General Meeting of the WDCU being held on 20 April 2017 which, notwithstanding that GHK CC will play in the WDCU First Division in 2017, seeks confirmation of member clubs’ confidence in the CMC and their agreement with the principles behind its original decision.

CS emphasises that it fully supports the WDCU, its Executive Committee and its CMC in their drive to encourage the development and growth of youth cricket in the west of Scotland, a drive that is completely aligned with the CS strategy and with that of sportscotland and the ICC.  As part of that drive, the WDCU and its committees continue a long standing commitment to require clubs in its top two Saturday League divisions to have a junior programme meeting updated criteria referred to in the WDCU’s Saturday League Administration document; there are consequences for clubs that do not meet applicable criteria. CS fully supports this approach. The updated criteria were incorporated after initiation of the appeal process by GHK CC referred to above.

As the governing body for the sport in Scotland, CS also fully supports, and has full confidence in, the WDCU in its wider management of club and representative cricket in the west of Scotland, and particularly the key role that the CMC plays in this.  In recording its support, CS understands that the WDCU firmly believes that both the development of cricket and the Spirit of Cricket should remain central to the design of its league rules as well as their subsequent application.
Commitment by clubs to grow junior participation in cricket is crucial for the long term health of the sport in Scotland. Both CS and the WDCU strongly believe that clubs, particularly with teams playing in higher Saturday League divisions, have a responsibility to respond constructively, positively and proactively to this need and to take all the steps they can to support delivery of this objective. WDCU and CS remain committed to assisting all clubs in achieving the required minimum standards for provision of youth cricket including policy development, recruitment, coaching, safeguarding and fixtures.