2018 ball orders

Orders for balls for the 2018 WDCU competitions are now being taken.
Full details below

Competition Ball type Ball colour New or used
Premier and First Divisions Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” Red New
Second, Third and Fourth Divisions Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” or Lords “Regal County Crown” Red New
Premier Reserve Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” or Lords “Regal County Crown” Red New
Sunday League Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” or Lords “Regal County Crown” Red New Lords “Regal County Crown”, or used Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor”.
Both Captains should agree on the condition of any used ball prior to the match commencing.
A used ball should be in good condition and capable of lasting the 40 overs in the opinion of both Captains.
Midweek League Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” or Lords “Regal County Crown” Pink New or used
Rowan Cup Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” Pink New
McCulloch Cup Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” Pink New
Western Cup Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” or Lords “Regal County Crown” Pink New or used
Greenwood Trophy Tiflex “Oxbridge Windsor” or Lords “Regal County Crown” Pink New or used


Outside of the certain competitions where the higher cost balls are mandatory, clubs will always have the option to use the higher-cost balls in other competitions if they so wish.
Only the permitted balls may be used in a WDCU competition. Umpires and captains will be asked to check that the ball being used is permitted and failure to use the permitted ball will lead to penalties including possible forfeiture of the match.

Tifelx “Oxbridge Windsor” balls (red or pink): £18 each
Lords “Regal County Crown” balls (red or pink): £15 each
All balls must be ordered in multiple of 6 per type.

Could you please advise your requirements as soon as possible to BOTH the treasurer Keith Young (keith.young@poloc.com) and myself (admin@wdcu.co.uk) by the 28th of February 2018 at the latest in order that balls can be available pre-season. Please remember to include your club name with your order.

Cheques made out to: “Western District Cricket Union”, sent to Keith Young, 16 Newtonlea Avenue, Newton Mearns, East Renfrewshire. G77 5QA

or electronic payment to:

Account name: Western District Cricket Union
Bank: Bank of Scotland
Branch: East Kilbride
Sort Code: 80-06-64
Account number: 00899459

Please note that a cheque/electronic transfer for the appropriate amount should be sent to Keith Young or be provided to him before balls are collected.