Club Communication 24-05-2022

Please see the most recent club communication sent out this morning.

Lets start with some good news. For the first time this season on Saturday there were no disciplinary charges reported by either the CSMOA umpires or for games that were player umpired – Keep it up.
Unfortunately that has not always been the case with a number of disciplinary charges being handed down already this season. There have also been complaints received regarding players/umpires not showing respect to opponents nor playing in the Spirit of the Game in self umpired games. Please remember our clear message for the season:
The message from the WDCU and CSMOA is repeated: ‘Respect your opponents and match officials and play in the Spirit of Cricket.’
Players who do not do so will face sanctions. Clubs who fail to control their players will also face team and whole club sanctions as the WDCU/CSMOA strive to tackle this issue. 
And some more good news. We are all getting better in engaging with WDCU Live. There has been more live streaming , scoring and punctual completion of scorecards so well done. However could I remind you all that WDCU Live is where all results should be logged. There are still some gaps in the Saturday fixtures and even more so in the Sunday league, Western and McCulloch Cups. Could you please check that all your matches show a result or the league tables will be out of kilter.
Could I also ask you to remind your captains of teams who play in games where there are CSMOA umpires appointed that you should complete a ‘captains report’ on the Whos the Umpire website. This is simple to do so please get your captain to register and complete the forms following each fixture. Back dated forms are accepted. Can I at this stage remind you that this is part of the SLAR and going forward if it is not completed could result in sanctions being applied.
In games that are self umpired if there are any issues with a lack of respect or fair play a note should be sent to me clearly outlining the issues at:
Please also remember that teams in the Premier and First division must also provide a scorer or again face sanctions.
Could all clubs please remember that any in season transfer requests should be accompanied by a fully completed TR1 Form. As the season is now well established there needs to be strong reasons for any transfer to be considered by CMC. Please also note that when initiating a transfer the ClubRep for the releasing club must go to the player’s profile page, select the transfer option on the left of the page and follow the instructions.
Could I also remind all clubs that for each game you should produce your full photographic team sheet clearly identifying your players or again you could face sanctions. Please note there are a number of very unclear photographs and young players requiring a photograph so I would ask you to check your club details on Player Reg and edit where necessary
Finally on Player Reg. I have had lots of de activations so far (over 400) and am happy to take any others so please submit any players you want deactivated to me and I will process this