Club update – week 3

Good weather this weekend and pretty much every game on. Everyone is now getting the short scores and extended scorecards in right on time so please keep it up. Captains are also reminded to complete their umpire reports and fair play scores.

Please note that this will be the last bedding in weekend for the new process and failure to properly complete these forms on time will attract 5 penalty points.

Please remember that in games where there are no umpires the captain should assess the umpiring of the opposing team in its entirety. captains are reminded to do this as failure to do so will attract a 5 point penalty.

Finally the fair play scores took a big dip this weekend and there were several reports made to WDCU.

I would urge all clubs to constantly remind captains and players of their responsibility to behave well and play within the Spirit of the Game.

Iain Kennedy, Administrator