COVID-19 – Cricket Scotland club update, 10 July 2020

Please see note below sent to clubs this morning:

Dear clubs and coaches

Following yesterday’s announcement by the Scottish Government, please note sportscotland have authorised additional club activity as follows:


  • Up to 15 individuals from no more than five households can take part in outdoor cricket activity.
  • This remains subject to physical distancing measures at all times.
  • Non-professional adult contact sport will not resume before the 31st of July.

Children and Young People

  • From 13 July – up to ten under 12s from different households may take part in a group activity with no requirement for social distancing.
  • From 13 July – up to ten 12 to 17 year olds from different households may take part in a group activity with no requirement for social distancing, however they must comply with the general population guidance (including social distance, etc.) before and after the activity.


  • Coaches should not deliver training to more than fourteen people from four households (or extended households) at any one time or provide coaching to more than four households (or extended households) per day, unless coaching children and young people (see below).
  • Coaches can deliver training to children and young people on more than one occasion per day.
  • This remains subject to physical distancing measures at all times.

This guidance has been updated on the Cricket Scotland COVID-19 page HERE

Please also remember to complete the short club survey to help us allocate support and to learn what challenges clubs have had to face, after the initial return of cricket activity.

Here is the link – Return to cricket – club survey, July 2020