Gavin Gemmell – a good news story!!

On a weekend that produced several bad news stories in terms of player behaviour and teams not playing in the spirit of the game I received a ‘nice’ email form Bernie Mitchell from Hillhead. I thought I would share it with you…


WDCU DIVISION 2 – 11th MAY 2019
We are all getting on.. perhaps an obvious thought but in the context of umpiring it is one which now amazes !! Yesterday I watched Gavin umpire on his own for total of just under 70 overs at Gatehouse . Naturally he was rather “slow” between ends, BUT otherwise he gave a first class performance.

He commanded the respect of ALL the players and did not appear to put a “foot“ wrong. Amazing; and also he drove to the game from Ayr and back again on his own. All of this at the tender age of EIGHTY!!!

Gavin is deserving of an end of season award if he continues like this.

Yours sincerely,

Bernie Mitchell 

Secretary/Scorer Hillhead Cricket Club


It would be nice to post something similar next week.

Iain Kennedy, Administrator