CSMOA are pleased to announce that registrations for our Introduction to Umpiring courses have opened this evening. This year we are holding two sessions (content repeated at each session), the first on Wednesday 7th February 2024, and another on Tuesday 13th February 2024. Both sessions will start at 7 pm on Zoom (link provided a few days before the session to those registered) and will last for approximately 2 hours.
CSMOA Umpire Education course registration form (google.com)
This course is designed to give an introductory overview of umpiring. This is ideal for individuals who wish to gain further knowledge into the world of umpiring. A great opportunity for complete beginners. There is no formal assessment and/or accreditation.
Interested participants may also wish to avail themselves of a suggested pre-learning opportunity, the ICC Umpire Foundation Course – https://www.edapp.com/icc/
Please share this widely amongst your clubs & cricketing colleagues.
More information can be found on our website – https://csmoa.org.uk/education-courses.html
More formal qualifications (Stage 1/2 or equivalents) will be launched in the coming weeks. These formal courses will allow you to officially umpire league fixtures for CSMOA.
Any questions, please feel free to email secretary@csmoa.org.uk