A short update on the WDCU AGM.

The WDCU AGM was held by Zoom meeting last evening. It was terrific that we had such a good turn out with 24 member clubs and organisations being represented and the Zoom technology working well.
Chair Mark Colman welcomed all to the meeting and noted that office bearer reports had been circulated in advance.
Duncan Paterson , Vice Chair and Chair of CMC and Keith Young, Treasurer were re elected to the WDCU Executive. Tim Hart takes up the post of WDCU Secretary for the first time.
Jim Hill and Stephen Allison were re elected to the CMC and both committees are at full capacity.
The proposed changes to the constitution were passed and an updated copy of the constitution will be posted on the website shortly.
The major concern of the evening was regarding the effect Covid 19 had on cricket in 2020 and the high level of challenge that it will present for the 2021 season. Duncan Paterson indicated that competition planning was underway and that the CMC would devise a number of scenarios for the 2021 season which will be shared with clubs as early as possible. He acknowledged that a flexible approach by all will be necessary and he urged clubs to keep the WDCU updated on any change to their circumstances.
Neil Cauldwell the new secretary of the recently launched Cricket Scotland Match Officials Association (CSMOA) gave an outline of the new associations purpose which was well received by the attendees.
Should anyone have any questions regarding the AGM please send them to me at admin@wdcu.co.uk
Iain Kennedy WDCU Administrator