WDCU Annual General Meeting

The WDCU Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday the 16th of November 2017 at Poloc CC, Shawholm, at 7pm, followed by the annual awards presentation. The minutes from the last AGM and EGM, and a list of nominees standing for election can be found here: WDCU AGM and awards night files. (Accounts and reports from the various committees, the WDJCU and Cricket Scotland will follow later.)

No additional nominations to those proposed by the Executive Committee have been received for any of the office bearer roles or committee positions due for election. If any club has changed Secretary or other contact and has not notified the WDCU, could it please do so, both to the Secretary, and also via the WDCU Administrator email address (admin@wdcu.co.uk), or, if a club’s AGM is forthcoming, please remember to advise the WDCU of any changes to contact details.

Mark Colman
WDCU Secretary