WDCU club update, 2 – 28 January 2022

Good morning,

Please see be the second  update sent to clubs and contacts on Friday. Unfortunately this has bounced back to me from all contacts so I will resend it. Meanwhile it is available to all.

Good afternoon,

I have now received all the competition entries and ground availability from clubs. The midweek League and Cup fixtures are now complete and being checked prior to publication. This should happen very soon.

Following their successful appeal against their  non promotion GHK and GHK Strathclyde will now play in Division 1 and 2 next season. Helensburgh will also play in Division 2 in 2022 as they will not be fielding a second X1.

As a result of this the compilation of the Saturday League fixtures  has just commenced and will be completed in the next weeks or so.

Please inform me immediately should any issues arise regarding your ground availability. It is easier to sort these issues prior to the fixture list being completed.

Thanks to those of you who have sent me updated club contact details for 2022 and the most up to date list I have is on the WDCU website in the documents section. Please send all changes to me as promptly as you can. I  also update the Saturday League and Sunday Friendly contact details on the website as I get them.

I note that  Cricket Scotland has recently sent out details of the Scottish and Challenge Cups and all the Youth Competitions. Can I encourage as many of you as possible to enter teams in these competitions please.

As you will be aware following recent high-profile allegations, an independent review is currently being carried out into racism and racial inequalities within Scottish cricket. Scotland’s national agency for sport, sportscotland, has appointed global equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) expert, Plan4Sport, to lead this wholly independent process, with a full report and associated recommendations to be published in July 2022.

More information will follow shortly on this but in the meantime to get in touch with the team please contact cricketreview@sportscotland.org.uk in the first instance.

Finally the CMC are in the process of planning as normal a season as is possible for 2022 but remain very aware of the fluctuating situation regarding Covid 19 and will follow the guidance set out by the Scottish Government, sportscotland and Cricket Scotland. I would greatly appreciate the fullest support and cooperation from clubs to assist CMC with this process.

Iain Kennedy
WDCU Administrator