We are deeply saddened to hear the news that Poloc CC is to be dissolved. Poloc CC have done everything they possibly can to determine whether cricket could be retained at Shawholm under a new tenant, but sadly have ran out of options. The landlord, Pollok & Corour, has engaged with The W Academy, a youth football organisation, and agreed to lease the historic Shawholm cricket ground to them, ending Poloc CC’s 143-year tenancy there, and effectively its existence.
Undoubtedly this will see Shawholm and the grounds of Pollock Park change forever. We are left to wonder if the ground will be subject of planning applications for fencing and floodlights, as well as perhaps installation of 4G playing fields – a far cry from the idilic surrounding which Poloc CC currently provide, in keeping with the surroundings of Pollok Park. We wonder how any development might fit with the ambitious plans Glasgow City Council have for net zero carbon by 2030 – repurposing grounds within one of their “dear green places” surely can’t enhance their ambitions.
In addition, not only are we witnessing the end of a historic and hugely influential cricket club dating back almost 145 years, but we see a modern cricket club who have adapted to the present day challenges all of our clubs face, being wound up. A club that has existed within a community, and provided a valuable resource. A club which has a diverse membership who represents what cricket in the west is today.
In light of all of the discussions over the last days, weeks, and months, in relation to Scottish cricket we cannot ignore that while we have clear divisions within our game we have seen a historic club fold. This should be a lesson to everyone, and should be a clear signal to us that, unless we can move on from our current issues, the real victims will be Scottish cricket, the players, supporters, and member clubs which is the very thing we can all unite behind.
The committees of the WDCU continue to work hard to maintain and support cricket in the west. We must be willing to have constructive and meaningful dialogue to ensure the betterment of cricket in the west, and across Scotland. All stakeholders need to be willing to put differences aside and work to this common goal. We are committed and determined to do our very best to support our clubs in any way we can. Again, we are deeply saddened by this news, but encourage everyone to unite wherever possible behind our common purpose, discuss and resolve our problems. If we don’t do so now, sadly the game we know and love will not survive.