Child wellbeing and protection training at Titwood, Sunday 20 January, 2019

Colin McDougall will deliver child wellbeing and protection training at Titwood on Sunday the 20th of January 2019.  Two separate sessions will be delivered on the day, details as follows:

10am to 1pm: “In Safe Hands, 1”.  This will incorporate specific guidance on the Cricket Scotland Club Child Protection Policy. This course is aimed at club Child Protection Officers, Junior Convenors, etc.

1.30pm to 3pm: PVG training.  This is aimed at clubs who have not yet engaged and clubs where the person undertaking the CPO role has changed since the initial training.

Cricket Scotland strongly encourage clubs to make use of this opportunity.  Numbers are restricted to twenty for each course so could you please reply to Tim Hart by Thursday the 18th of January 2019 with names for each of the courses.