Please see a communication sent to all club contacts today.
A few updates for you;
Firstly a note from West of Scotland CC that their clubhouse has not yet been restored following the disastrous floodof last year. They have ensured that there is operational changing rooms, toilets and tea facilities but unfortunately the basement is out of bounds so there are no showers. Also the back of clubhouse is closed off so currently there is no separate facility for umpires but it is hoped there will be a remedy to that before the season starts. Please also note that teas will be provided at all 3 West of Scotland Saturday home team fixtures including those held at New Williamfield.
Secondly Kilmarnock CC has informed me that there are proposed major roadworks in the area and access to the ground may be compromised for the early part of the season. Please note all clubs and appointed umpires due at Scott Ellis Field should contact the club for the most up to date details.
Hopefully now we all have a basic idea on the new WDCU Live scoring system. I am sure there will be teething problems and I would ask you all to try your best to engage with it. If you have issues please share them with me and I can share with others as they might be having the same problem:
A couple of points to note that have come up this week:
- Two scorers can score the same game on the software at the same time. First scorer in will be the live scorer. The 2nd scorer can score but will not update the database.
- Scorecards can be entered on EITHER the Admin platform (on a laptop) or the scoring software (on a tablet). Both teams have to be selected before you can input the full scorecard. The advice from CS is, if possible, to enter the scorecard in the scoring software. In the scoring software you can select BOTH teams, but if you input your team on the admin platform you CANNOT enter the opposition team. They have to do that, as administrators on the admin platform can only see their own players.
- There is currently a problem viewing scorecards from games that have been live scored and filmed. This is being investigated.
- It is still recommended that each team provide a scorer where possible.
Please remember there will be no sanctions for those struggling to complete thier scorecards in the early part of the season. if we work together all the problems can be overcome!!
Finally one last reminder regarding the WDCU and CSMOA Player Behaviour message for the season:
The message from the WDCU and CSMOA is: ‘Respect your opponents and match officials and play in the Spirit of Cricket.’
Players who do not do so will face sanctions. Clubs who fail to control their players will also face team and whole club sanctions as the WDCU/CSMOA strive to tackle this issue.