Club Communication 31-05-2022

Please see the most recent club communications sent out to all contacts today:

Hi there,
A relatively short one today. Can I start with the Captains reports please. This will be the last ‘encouragement ‘ note sent to remind all captains to complete their reports in games where CSMOA umpires are appointed. It is really important that we receive these to assist with the umpires performance and identifying training and support needs. I checked ‘Whos the Umpire and a there were only 13 reports from a possible 40. Not good enough. One more week to get it sorted and the penalty points will be re – introduced on the 10th of June.
Please remember that all in season transfer requests ‘must’ be accompanied by a fully completed TR1 Form. As we are now well into the season there needs to be compelling grounds for transfers to be approved by CMC.
The McCulloch Cup Final has now been scheduled and will take place at Titwood on Sunday 21st August with a start time of 1pm. Weather permitting that will be the last of our four Sunday cup finals. We are intending to Live stream all the finals!
We are still making progress with WDCU Live although I would comment that there are a number of results – and a greater number of scorecards –  missing from some competitions. In general the Saturday competitions are coming along fine but the Sunday league and the midweek cups are lagging behind. Could you spend some time in catching these up please to maintain the integrity of the competitions. If you need help please ask – George Burns and Paul Coffey are helping me and between us we can probably resolve the issues you have. Please remember we are getting lots of queries so it takes time to resolve them all.  A reminder of a few important points
  • Make sure your team is entered on the system before the match takes place.
  • When submitting your scorecard you do not need to  add in ‘winning points’ the system does that for you
  • You do have to enter the losing bonus points or is in the case of Division 4 the draw points
  • At the end of the game the team that does not lead the scoring has to confirm the result for it to go live.
Finally – again some relatively good news. At time of writing there has only been one level one charge from the weekend games – so well done again. However there have also been some informal messages  received regarding players not showing respect to opponents  nor playing in the Spirit of the Game in self umpired games. Could captains please communicate with each other before games with player umpires to agree the standard to be set.

Please remember our clear message for the season:

The message from the WDCU and CSMOA is repeated: ‘Respect your opponents and match officials and play in the Spirit of Cricket.’
Players who do not do so will face sanctions. Clubs who fail to control their players will also face team and whole club sanctions as the WDCU/CSMOA strive to tackle this issue.

Iain Kennedy

WDCU Administrator