Club information update, 7 June 2021

Please see update sent to club contacts today:

Good afternoon,

A number of things to update on following the weekend which went reasonably well!! Please make sure this message gets to all those it should:

If you are in the unfortunate position where you have to cancel or concede a fixture please let your opponents, and the WDCU, know at your earliest possible convenience. Please remember that the rules regarding player selection have eased this year and you can play non registered players in your lower XI’s in an emergency.  Please check the Saturday League Rules for full details.

Hopefully everyone now has their Cricket Stats team log-in and password working. If not please contact me as soon as possible and I can arrange for it to be sorted. This weekend could we please ensure the summary score is entered by 10pm on Saturday night and the full scorecard by Monday evening at midnight. Please also remember to complete the Captain’s Report and Fairplay score for your opponents. These are important to us as they provide very valuable information which we do use! Please also log in all other competition results.

If there are any outstanding DLS issues please let me know and we can get them sorted.

First weekend back there have been a number of disciplinary issues raised which is really disappointing. It would be a shame if after having no cricket for such a long time players were to miss games because of poor behaviour. Please remind your captains of player behaviour requirements!

This Saturday there were sixteen games in the west where players had to umpire their own games. Due to a shortage of official umpires this is likely to be the case for most of the season.

Already this weekend there has been a complaint raised of unfair and incompetent player-umpiring. This will be monitored closely and repeated offending clubs will face sanctions.  Please umpire fairly and competently at all times!!

The cup competitions are coming up thick and fast and I would urge all teams to play ties on the specified dates if at all possible. There are few fall back dates and we need to avoid bowl outs and coin tosses where we can.

Iain Kennedy
WDCU Administrator