Club information update: COVID-19 – Glasgow stays in Level 3

Please see message sent to all clubs today regarding the COVID-19 situation.

To all clubs,

With the Scottish Government having announced that Glasgow City local authority area remains in Level 3 until at least Friday 4th June, the restrictions continue to affect cricket in our region until then and there will be a further update from the Scottish Government on Wednesday 2nd June. Given this announcement, the CMC have decided the following:

  • All midweek matches for week commencing Monday 31st May are, once again, postponed. The CMC still intends to run and complete all of our midweek competitions but will update clubs after the Scottish Government announcement on Wednesday 2nd June.
  • All Saturday League fixtures for Saturday 5th June will remain as scheduled until the outcome of the Scottish Government announcement on Wednesday 2nd June is known. If Glasgow City is moved to Level 2, and all other local authorities in the region remain at the same level in time for the fixtures on Saturday 5th June, then all fixtures will go ahead as scheduled.
  • Should it be announced on Wednesday 2nd June that Glasgow will remain in Level 3 for the weekend of 5th June and beyond, that round of fixtures will be declared null and void and will be a third “Covid Round”. As per previous weeks, matches involving clubs outside Glasgow City can go ahead as friendlies and will not count towards league placings, and clubs within Glasgow can organise friendlies against one another but all players and officials must not travel between Glasgow City and other local authority areas or vice versa to take part in any cricket activity while Glasgow City remains under Level 3 restrictions. 
  • The CMC will issue a further communication after the Scottish Government announcement on Wednesday 2nd June.