WDCU club update, 1 – 6 January 2022

Please see below the first communication to clubs for season 2022.

Happy New Year to you. A few things to start us off for 2022.

I only received replies from 11 out of 34 Clubs intimating their competition options and ground availability for season 2022 by the 31st December deadline.

I am aware there are still a small number of  clubs that can’t send that information to me yet but for many there is no reason. Could I ask you to submit your playing intentions and ground availability to me as soon as possible please and no later than 14th January. Once I get these I can then get on with drawing up all the fixtures.

Thanks to those of you who have sent me updated club contact details for 2022 and the most up to date list I have is on the WDCU website in the documents section. I have also updated the Saturday League and Sunday Friendly contact details on the website as I get them.

I note that a number of clubs are beginning the process of engaging overseas paid players, coaches and amateurs. Given that there have been few of these appointments since 2019 I have written to Cricket Scotland to enquire if the ‘Home Office / ECB Rules’ regarding  these appointments remain unchanged. I will revert to you when I have had a response. In the meantime please make your self familiar with the most recent regulations that are attached.

I will update the WDCU forms for each of these categories shortly and make them available to clubs either directly or on our website.

Finally the CMC are in the process of planning as normal a season as is possible for 2022 but remain very aware of the fluctuating situation regarding Covid 19 and will follow the guidance set out by the Scottish Government, sportscotland and Cricket Scotland. I would greatly appreciate the fullest support and cooperation from clubs to assist CMC with this process.

Iain Kennedy
WDCU Administrator