WDCU Club Communication 6 – 25-03-2022.

Please see the most recent club update sent to all contacts this afternoon.
Good afternoon,
All WDCU fixtures are now complete and have been published in the Document Centre of the website.. The Saturday League Administration Rules and all Competition Playing Conditions are in final draft and will be published in the Document Centre of the website on or before 31st March 2022.
Could all clubs who are recruiting overseas paid players, paid coaches and amateurs please ensure that these participants meet the Home Office and WDCU regulations and requirements. I have attached the Home Office documentation and the WDCU Registration Forms for your use. These should be read in conjunction with the WDCU Saturday League Rules document 2022. (Copy in document centre on website). Please ensure all overseas participants are registered with the WDCU before they participate in any WDCU competition.
WDCU is working in partnership with Cricket Scotland in the roll out of their new Digital platform – CS Live. All the WDCU fixtures have been uploaded onto the WDCU match centre which can be visited at the link below. (if the link doesn’t work please type it in the search bar). Training for Regional Association officers in the management and function of the system is underway and training opportunities for club officials will be announced shortly.
Many thanks to those who have sent me updated club contact details for 2022 and the most up to date list I have is on the WDCU website in the Documents Centre. Please send all changes to me as promptly as you can. I also update the Saturday League and Sunday Friendly contact details on the website as I get them.
Could I please remind all clubs who have yet to pay their subscription for 2022 to do so before the closing date of 31-03-2022. 
A small number of clubs have yet to make a ball order for the season. if you haven’t and you would still like to could you please send me your order by 31st March.
The independent review being  delivered by Plan4Sport into racism, discrimination and inequality  in cricket in Scotland is gaining momentum and I would encourage all clubs to invite their members to participate in the review. Please pass on the following contact details to any of your players/members to get in touch with the review team:
A separate update on this issue has been sent to you all earlier today.
Finally the WDCU and CSMOA have agreed a preseason communication plan for clubs and players on player behaviour. The first of three communications will be shared with you all next week. It will only work if you share the information with your players and support the messages.
Please remember it is the responsibility of everyone concerned with the game to ensure that every match is played in a respectful manner and within the ‘Spirit of the Game.’
Iain kennedy WDCU Administrator