Club update – week 2

A better weekend weather-wise for cricket so lots of games played. The fair play system is now working well and scores are coming in. The bad news is that one team scored a 1 so that is disappointing!! A full update will be provided at the end of the month so please constantly feed in the message that player behaviour and playing in the Spirit of the Game are important.

Captains are reminded to complete the fair play form and their captain’s reports every week. One thing to make sure happens is that the correct umpire name is included in the form. I had a couple of errors this week!!

Captains are also reminded that if you have no umpires that they should mark in a score for the overall umpiring performance of the opposition team in the captain’s report. It’s important to find out if there are any teams not umpiring fairly!!

After a few teething problems with passwords for the cricket stats website are all working and we are now pretty much at full capacity for short and long score entry. The issue with the bonus points is now sorted!

Can I remind all clubs of their responsibility to pay umpire match fees. This should be done by each team (one each) and immediately after the game at the latest. Umpires should not have to come and ask!

Iain Kennedy, Administrator