WDCU Saturday League fixtures, 2021

Please see note sent to club contacts this morning from CMC Chairman Duncan Paterson:

Hi everyone,

Please find attached the Saturday League fixtures for season 2021.

League and cup fixtures – Western District Cricket Union (wdcu.co.uk)

The season will run from Saturday 22 May to Saturday 18 September dependent on Scottish Government and Cricket Scotland  COVID-19 regulations.  Should there be changes to regulations that impede the completion of the scheduled fixtures, the CMC may have to alter, suspend or cancel the league season.  This may also, as per the amended regulations for 2021 previously sent, lead to the suspension of promotion and relegation.

Compiling the fixtures for 2021 season has been a difficult task due, not only to the delay to the season and the challenges posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, but also to an unprecedented amount of ground availability issues, coupled with the late withdrawal of three teams from the Saturday League structure.

In order to give every team the most amount of meaningful cricket possible, the CMC has merged Divisions 3 and 4 into one division of fourteen teams.  Despite the challenges, we have prepared a season comprising of fifteen fixtures for all clubs in that division over the eighteen-week season.

All other divisions will compete in a ten-team, eighteen-week, league season.

Due to the many ground availability issues, it has been unavoidable that some fixtures are scheduled on a Sunday and, although this is not ideal, we have had no choice this year.  We have kept it to the minimum possible amount and, at present, it only affects certain second elevens.

The CMC would like to thank David Sturgeon for his assistance in drawing up the fixtures. Should any club have any further issues with ground availability or their ability to complete their scheduled fixtures, they are asked to get in touch with the Administrator as soon as possible.

Kind regards.

Duncan Paterson
WDCU CMC Chairman