WDCU Women & Girls Forum on Saturday, 3rd March, Uddingston CC. 11am – 1pm.

Due to a successful 2017 – Rosy Ryan (West Women and Girls’ Development Officer) is happy to announce that a Women & Girls’ Forum will be held on Saturday, 3rd of March, Uddingston CC, 11am – 1pm.

“This is an open invitation to all clubs in the West who are interested in starting up at Women and Girls’ section or those who are continually growing theirs. It is extremely important to come along to this event as we will be establishing Women and Girls’ HUBS across the West. Cricket Scotland have acknowledged that there is a growing interest in clubs to further develop. It would be fantastic to see the majority of clubs who are serious about this opportunity. This includes clubs that already have a Women & Girls’ section. Clubs who are not able to come will miss out on this chance.

Please bring along some representatives from your club and see what 2018 has in store for you!”

If you would be able to confirm your attendance and attendee’s to Rosy (rosyryan@cricketscotland.com) no later than Monday 5th February. Further information will follow. Feel free to circulate this email around your club.”